Georgi Doychev

Георги Дойчев

Georgi Doichev has been a clinical embryologist since 2005, certified as a specialist by the European Association for Reproductive Medicine and Embryology in 2010. In recent years, he has gained valuable experience with international teams of specialists in Sweden, Germany, and the USA. Since 2011, he has been the head of the in vitro laboratory at the Medical Center “Afrodita”.

  Chief embryologist at MC “Afrodita”. I have solid experience in the following techniques: Classical IVF, ICSI, egg and embryo freezing, sperm and biopsy material freezing, TESE, PESA, blastocyst culture, and embryo transfer. In my daily work as an embryologist, I have dedicated myself to the difficult task of helping the little embryos in my laboratory to turn into little people who will bring joy and love to their new homes, where they awaited with trepidation and longing!

I started my professional career in 2000 at the Faculty of Biology of the "St. Kliment Ohridski". In 2004, I obtained a bachelor's degree in Molecular Biology, and a year later, a master's degree in Genetics.

During my student years, Fate connected me with one of the initiators of reproductive medicine in Bulgaria, who introduced me to the profession. In 2005, I started working at the hospital "St. Lazar" as an embryologist. Later, I gained valuable experience abroad at the "Ledra" AG clinic in Cyprus, and then in a private hospital in Skopje (Macedonia). Since 2011, I have been working at MC “Afrodita” as Chief Embryologist.

I have solid experience in the following techniques: Classical IVF, ICSI, egg and embryo freezing, sperm and biopsy material freezing, TESE, PESA, assisted hatching, blastocyst culture, and embryo transfer.

As the chief embryologist, I also perform a number of administrative and management functions such as: - Participating in making important decisions related to the development of the clinic - Implementing new technologies, training and managing the team, and communicating with patients - Quality control, keeping records, relations with companies, and communication with state institutions

I am constantly looking for ways to improve my qualifications by participating in seminars, discussions, and trainings on various topics led by colleagues with many years of experience in the field. I believe that sharing experiences is beneficial for all of us and will help more parents achieve their dream.

I am a member of ESHRE ( and BAHRE (Bulgarian Association of Human Reproductive Embryology). I am certified as a clinical embryologist by ESHRE in 2010.