All of us who created MC “Afrodita” in early 2008 had one cause: to include Sofia on the map of the most developed cities in the world in the field of regenerative medicine. 

During these years, we have managed to create a team of professionals - consultants in obstetrics and gynecology - from whom every woman can seek a competent opinion.

During these years, we have managed to create a team of professionals - consultants in obstetrics and gynecology - from whom every woman can seek a competent opinion. The "In-vitro" department of MC “Afrodita” is among the three centers with the highest success rate in Bulgaria. Doctors, embryologists, medical and administrative staff take personal care every day to ensure individual treatment for each couple.

To offer the highest level of services in prenatal diagnostics and stem cells, we work with the most prestigious laboratories in the world from the USA, Great Britain, France, and Italy.

Our modern building is located in the center of Sofia, equipped with the latest generation equipment, providing an environment where patients can enjoy the comfort and peace they need for a comfortable recovery.

МЦ „Афродита“ разполага с филиали във Варна ,Пловдив, Бургас и Плевен.

To all of you, to the thousands who have trusted us over the years, and to those who are about to trust us in the future, we promise that we will continue to be as motivated and focused as possible.

To all of you, our patients, we want to assure you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and together we will be able to make a NEW BEGINNING!


Villy Peeva


Dr. Emil Filipov


Д-р Сашо Райков

Асистирана репродукция

Georgi Doychev

IvF lab Director
Chief Embryologist



In vitro fertilization (classical IVF) is one of the most used techniques at MC “Afrodita”. Our success rate is one of the best in the country and is fully comparable to that of European and global in vitro centers.


The intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) technique is a modification of the classic IVF ("baby in a test tube"). Fertilization takes place outside the woman's body by injecting a sperm into an egg under a microscope. The embryo(s) are placed in the woman's uterus in the same way as after the IVF.


Intrauterine insemination is the introduction of pretreated viable sperm into the uterus to improve the chances of pregnancy. It is done in couples where the woman has patent fallopian tubes and the partner has normal semen parameters. The processed material is placed near the fallopian tubes, and if the procedure is combined with ovarian stimulation, there will be more eggs available for fertilization.