Donor Requirements

  1. Donor Requirements:

    The requirements for a donor are to be healthy, lead a healthy to normal lifestyle, be up to 35 years of age, and above all, have positive energy.

    Each donor you will meet here has collected, verified data and answered questions to help you find the most suitable one for you.

    In each profile, you will find the following information:


    Eye color

    Hair color

    Compact information for parents




    Blood type

    Education etc.

    Who are our donors?

    They are students, people who want to do good, and fathers with families who know the happiness of having a child and want to help make a wonderful dream come true.

    Required tests:




    HIV: Anti-HIV-1,2

    Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis C


    Urinalysis that checks for chlamydia

    Genetic tests

    And last but not least, they must have a good mood and charisma.

    After the results are obtained, they can become donors of genetic material for your future.

    What steps are taken to reduce the risk of inherited genetic mutations?

    In any pregnancy, there is a small risk of giving birth to a child with a congenital disorder, and in some cases, it may be hereditary. Donors undergo thorough testing before being accepted for donation to minimize the likelihood of passing on serious diseases to the child. However, despite our careful selection and research, the risk of having a child with a disease cannot be eliminated. If you become aware of any condition that may be related to the use of donor sperm from one of our donors, you must inform us immediately. This ensures the safety and well-being of potential children conceived by them. We will research to determine whether the disease can be linked to the donor. We will then further investigate the status of the donor and decide whether they should be blocked for future use.

    We are here to help! You are not alone!