Приемателки на яйцеклетки

Thank you for your interest in our donor program. We follow the directives of the European Union Tissues and Cells Directives (EUTCD), the Regulations of the Ministry of Health, as well as those of MC “Afrodita”.

Women who do not produce eggs or those whose egg quality is very poor may be advised to seek donor egg treatment.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) involves the fertilization in the laboratory of a woman's egg cells with the sperm of her husband/partner. The resulting embryos are placed in the uterus 2-5 days later, and if they implant, can develop into a successful birth . Unfortunately, some women are unable to provide their own eggs for IVF. Possible reasons are:

  • The ovaries have not developed properly, for example in Turner Syndrome.
  • Early menopause / premature ovarian failure.
  • Chemotherapy or previous surgical removal of the ovaries.
  • When the woman is a carrier of a genetic disease such as muscular dystrophy or hemophilia.
  • Poor egg quality due to age.

Women who fall into one of these categories now have the option of in vitro fertilization using eggs obtained from other women.

Women who donate their eggs do so voluntarily, driven by the desire to help others. The commercialization of donation is not permitted, as it is prohibited to offer material benefits to donors and to accept them. It is only allowed to reimburse them for expenses incurred (for the use of transport, causing temporary incapacity, pain or discomfort, for specific lost benefits - loss of time, daily earnings, etc.) in reasonable amounts related to the act of donation.

All treatment is confidential. The couple receiving the eggs will not have access to the identity of the donor. Personal data is not accessible to both parties. The donor has no claims on/or obligations to/ the children born.

In the long run, it may be best for all concerned that the donation is anonymous.

After the initial consultation, you will be required to have any necessary blood tests along with a uterine assessment.

You will communicate your wishes regarding the physical characteristics of the donor, through which we will endeavor to find one suitable for you.

You will be placed on the recipient waiting list and when we find a donor we will contact you.

The clinic staff are well aware of the stress and strain of waiting and are available to answer any questions you may have. You are welcome to contact the Center at any time.

When we find a donor, we will let you know their characteristics and if they match your wishes, we will proceed to put together your program.

A full medical and family history will be taken of the egg donor. He will be screened for infectious diseases and undergo a series of consultations.